

2011年6月28日 星期二



19.Pallavicinia subciliata (Aust.) Steph 纖毛帶葉蘚 I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 6, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG

20.Pogonatum proliferum (Griff.) Mitt 獨莖小金髮苔(南亞小金髮苔) I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil along the trail beside the pool Y.-C. ZHONG 1, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG

拖了這麼久,最後兩種終於現身了!還是非常感謝林老師的協助!明池的.Pallavicinia subciliata 好像比圖鑑上來的小了許多!害我目視之下以為是叉蘚,一橫切,樣子完全不像哩!對於我這初學者而言,心中果然不能有太多成見,一切在顯微鏡下,眼見為憑。

2011年6月27日 星期一

纖枝短月苔(真苔科)Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Sande Lac. (Bryaceae)。教室中庭,樹下石上土生,2011627。(圖1)
纖葉小羽苔(羽苔科)Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. (Thuidiaceae)。教室中庭,洗手臺排水之水泥溝邊,土生,2011627。(圖2)
捲葉濕地叢苔科Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. (Pottiaceae)教室中庭,花圃水泥牆與地上交界處,土生2011627。(圖3)
(龍井國小: 台中縣 龍井鄉 龍門路51號。連絡人:陳俊吉老師 04-26397131。*漢名新稱)

1. 植物體直立,矮,約1公分以下,多無分枝。莖表面平滑。葉細胞平滑或腹面有隆
1. 植物體匍匐,長,約3公分左右,密羽狀分枝或不規則分枝。莖及枝表面有許多鱗
2. 植物較高,近1公分長。葉呈45度斜上,等腰三角形,中肋長突出。葉細胞背腹面均
        2. 植物較矮,近0.5公分長。葉呈水平開展,長橢圓形-壓舌片形,中肋達尖,葉先端有

1.  纖枝短月苔Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Sande Lac.  a-b: 植物體。 c: 植物體,未含基部假根。 d-h: 葉。 i: 葉角細胞。 j: 葉中央細胞。比例: a-b: 10 mm. c: 0.75 mm. d, h: 0.15 mm. e-g: 0.375 mm. i-j: 75μm. 繪自林玉陽 2-1 (TUNG),龍井國小。

2.  纖葉小羽苔*Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth.  a: 植物體。 b: 枝。 c: 莖葉 d-h: 枝葉。 i: 鱗毛。 j: 葉邊緣細胞,每一細胞具單疣。 k: 葉中央細胞。 比例尺:a: 10 mm. b: 0.375 mm. c-h: 0.15 mm. i-k: 37.5μm. 繪自陳芝瑩1-1 (TUNG),龍井國小。

3.  捲葉濕地Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg.  a-b: 植物體。 c-d: e: 部分植物體,未含基部假根 f: 無性芽具分枝絲狀柄著生於葉腋部位。 g-p: 各種不同外形之無性芽。 q: 葉片細胞橫切背面隆起腹面平坦。比例: a-b: 10 mm. c-d: 0.375 mm. e: 0.75 mm. f: 75μm. g-q: 37.5μm. 繪自林玉陽 4-1 (TUNG),龍井國小。


2011年6月22日 星期三

Lejeuneaceae of Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, I-Lan County 宜蘭明池森林遊樂區細鱗蘚科植物

I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, May 21, 2011, Det. Jai-Dong Yang. All specimens are deposited in TAIE.

Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d.

Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) S. Hatt. 瓦葉唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327p.

Cheilolejeunea obtusilobula (S. Hatt.) S. Hatt. 鈍片唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327q.

Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c.

Cololejeunea goebolii (Gotts. ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 哥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327r.

Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f.

Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e.

Colura inuii Horik. 印氏管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327o.

Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. 細角管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327n.

Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees) Schiffn. 粗齒角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327m.

Drepanolejeunea erecta (Steph.) Mizut. 展葉角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327l.

Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b.

Lejeunea discreta Lindenb. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327i.

Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees 黃色細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327h.

Lejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Gott. et al. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327j.

Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g.

Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a.

2011年6月21日 星期二

Bryophyta Taiwanica Exsiccata 臺灣苔蘚標本集

Ser. 1 第1集
9. Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) T. J. Kop. 側枝走燈苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on on mesic humus in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4330, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao

10. Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. 鈴木頂苞苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on moist cliff in filtered to open place, K.-Y. Yao 4335, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao

11. Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. 大羽苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic soil in open place, K.-Y. Yao 4343, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao

12. Campylopus umbellatus (Arn.) Paris 傘形曲柄苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rocky soil in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4345, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao

13. Gollania philippinensis (Broth.) Nog. 菲律賓粗枝苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rock in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4346, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao


14. Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

15. Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

16. Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

17. Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

18. Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

Ser. 2 第二集
6. Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

7. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang

明池森林遊樂區測得的GPS為24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E

2011年6月20日 星期一



原本上周預計想帶著整理、清洗、扣除(扣除老師已發表的那些種)後的標本  到東海去看看顯微鏡,也請老師幫忙!
結果 ,在我們家小寶貝感冒  發燒後,  也就一切作罷了~~~~~~~

禮拜三要畢業典禮了,畢業典禮忙完後,不知道星期四  下午  有沒有機會可以帶著可愛的苔蘚們   上東海去……

2011年6月11日 星期六


好像也沒有多少 "其它種"的  苔蘚了……

啊 其中有一種   我看得出來是 孔雀苔,

2011年6月4日 星期六

陳俊銘(Chun Ming Chen, Aray
財團法人辜嚴倬雲植物保種暨環境保護發展基金會  蒐藏經理(Collection Manager, Dr.Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation and Environmental Protection Foundation
保種中心地址:906屏東縣高樹鄉源泉村同興路31號(Conservation CenterNO. 31,
           Tongsing Rd., Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County 906, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Fax: 8868-7960913
Mobile: 886910310397
Unified Business No.: 48861251
陳經理說:關於苔蘚保種,我希望我們可以先開始寄送值得保存的活體(特有種、稀有種、特殊型態或不易栽培繁植的種類),請老師們先協助採集鑑定後附上詳細資料寄到保種中心來,我會盡力栽培以供進一步研究,據大陸張力博士所說,大陸地區只有他有計畫在養活體,種數也沒有超過50種,因此,我希望今年目標可以訂在60種,以有效率達到保存與研究之效。今年6月,我也預計前往馬來西亞與馬來亞大學Dr. Yong KT一同採集學習,除了苔蘚之外,當然也包括一些被子植物,希望一切可以順利。下圖為該批苔癬栽培完後的照片以及去年10月馬來亞大學KT Yong博士幫忙採集鑑定的部份活體狀況,均生長良好,希望該批也可以很健康,這一次有收到一些著生在樹枝上的種類(如:大灰氣苔),我嘗試用粗材料栽培,希望可以順利成長。如果有機會很歡迎大家到保種中心一趟詳談交流關於苔蘚保種。

In memory of the late professor Ming-Jou Lai—
Contents of Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica Vol. 1-3

Shan-Hsiung Lin

Vol. 1, Numbers 1 & 2 (Dec. 1989)(Editors: Benito C. Tan & Ming-Jou Lai)
D. H. Norris & T. Koponen: Typification of Dicranoloma Ren., a small genus of mosses
         from northern Australia and New Caledonia.............................................................1
W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan: The Asiatic genera of Sematophyllaceae associated with
        Trichosteleum.......................................................................................................... 5
C. Gao & T. Cao: Research activities on Chinese bryology throughout 1980’s................21
A. Aptroot & H. Sipman: New lichen records from the Philippines.................................31
Y.-M. Jiang & J.-C. Wei: A preliminary study on Everniastrum from China...................43
S. Stenroos: Cladonia laii, a new lichen species from Taiwan, Yunnan and the Himalayas
J.-B. Chen: Literature on Chinese lichenology 1955-1989...............................................57
Memory of the late Professor Akira Noguchi’s Taiwan trips...........................65
New Books..................................................................................................................70

Vol. 2, Numbers 1 & 2 (Dec. 1990)(Editors: Hironori Deguchi & Ming-Jou Lai)
T. Cao & C. Gao: A new species of Encalypta (Musci) from China.....................................1
T. Koponen: Notes on the genus Thuidium (Musci, Thuidiaceae) in China........................5
J. Enroth: Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 1-2. Neckeropsis calcutensis comb. nov.
        and the first record of Pinnatella intralimbata from New Guinea...............................9
M. S. Ignatov: New records of mosses from the northwestern Altai Mountains...............17
R.-L. Zhu: The bryoflora of Wuyanling Natrue Reserve in Zhejiang Province, China......25
P.-C. Wu & R. E. Magill: A comparison of the bryofloras of the Metasequoia region,
        western Hubei, China and the Taxodium forests of the southeastern United tates.....33
M. B. Nagarkar: Lichenology in the Indian subcontinentA review of recent work........65
Memory of the late Professor P. C. Chen...............................................................81

Vol. 3, Dr. Ming-Jou Lai Memorial Volume (Dec. 29, 2010)
        (Editors: Timo Koponen, Sinikka Piippo & Erkki Reinikka)
1. Life and activities of Dr. Ming-Jou Lai
Koponen, T.: Ming-Jou Lai (1949-2007), bryologist, lichenologist, ornamental
        horticulturist and generous benefactor......................................................................3
Gao, C. & Cao, T.: In memory of Dr. Ming-Jou Lai and our fruitful cooperation in
        bryological research.................................................................................................19
Li, X.-J. & Zhang, M.: In fond memory: a new Cordyceps species named after Prof. Dr.
        Ming-Jou Lai............................................................................................................23
Reinikka, E.: Annotated bibliography of Dr. Ming-Jou Lai..............................................27
2. Bryophyte
2.1 Taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature
Bell, N. & Hyvönen, J.: A dendroid form of Pogonatum cirratum (Polytrichopsida,
        Bryophyta) from Mt. Kinabalu (Sabah, Malaysia)....................................................39
Cao, T., Li, X., Zuo, B., Zhang, J. & Guo, S.: Plaubelia involutaa moss genus and
        species of Pottiaceae new to China...........................................................................47
Guo, S.-L., Zhen, Y.-Y., Cao, T., & He, S.: New synonym and record of the genus
        Ulota D. Mohr (Musci, Orthotrichaceae) in moss flora of China...............................51
Ji, M. C. & Enroth, J.: Contributions to Neckera (Neckeraceae, Musci) in China............61
Koponen, T.: Notes on Philonotis (Bartramiaceae, Musci). 8. Philonotis in William
        Mitten’s “Musci Indiæ orientalis” and key to southeast Asian taxa...........................69
Koponen, T.: Notes on Philonotis (Bartramiaceae, Musci). 9. Philonotis lizangii,
        species nova, from Yunnan Province of China.........................................................91
Linis, V. C. & Tan, B. C.: Eleven new records of Philippine mosses.................................95
Mao, L., Lin, P.-J., He, S. & Zhang, L.: Syntrichia amphidiacea (Müll. Hal.) R. H.
        Zander new to continental Asia from China............................................................101
Pócs, T.: East African bryophytes, XXVI. New records from the Mayotte (Maore)
        Island (French Comoro).........................................................................................105
Reinikka, E.: On the use of two Chinese characters denoting mosses (Musci) and hepatics (Hepaticae)..........................................................................................................115
Wu, P.-C.: Notes of the Chinese Homaliodendron (Neckeraceae, Musci).....................119
2.2. Study on spores of Asian bryophytes
He, Q. & Zhu, R.-L.: Spore output in 24 Asian bryophytes...........................................125
3. Flora of Hunan Province of China
3.1. Bryophytes
Ignatova, E. A., Ignatov, M. S. & Koponen, T.: Bryophyte flora of Hunan Province,
        China. 13. Pterobryaceae (Musci)..........................................................................131
Koponen, T.: Bryophyte flora of Hunan Province, China. 14. Philonotis laii, species
         nova (Bartramiaceae, Musci)................................................................................137
Piippo, S.: Bryophyte flora of Hunan Province, China. 15. Genera Asterella,
        Fossombronia, Isotachis, Jubula and Metzgeria (Aytoniaceae, Fossombroniaceae,
        Balantiopsaceae, Jubulaceae and Metzgeriaceae)..................................................145
3.2. Lichens
Vitikainen, O. & Koponen, T.: Notes on the lichen genus Peltigera of Hunan Province, China...................................................................................................................151
4. Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
Norris, D. H., Koponen, T. & Shevock, J. R.: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula,
        Papua New Guinea. LXXII. Spiridentaceae (Musci)...............................................157
Index of names.......................................................................................................172
Nomenclatural novelties in Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica 3, 2010.......175

2011年6月3日 星期五


6.Conocephalum conicum(L.) Dum蛇蘚I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C.ZHONG 7, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG

7.Atrichum crispulum Schimp. ex Besch皺葉仙鶴苔I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on the trail near by 明池苗圃, Y.-C. ZHONG 10, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG

8. Pogonatum cirratum (Sw.) Brid subsp. cirratum. 刺邊小金髮苔I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 5, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG

