2011年6月28日 星期二
19.Pallavicinia subciliata (Aust.) Steph 纖毛帶葉蘚 I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 6, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
20.Pogonatum proliferum (Griff.) Mitt 獨莖小金髮苔(南亞小金髮苔) I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil along the trail beside the pool Y.-C. ZHONG 1, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
拖了這麼久,最後兩種終於現身了!還是非常感謝林老師的協助!明池的.Pallavicinia subciliata 好像比圖鑑上來的小了許多!害我目視之下以為是叉蘚,一橫切,樣子完全不像哩!對於我這初學者而言,心中果然不能有太多成見,一切在顯微鏡下,眼見為憑。
2011年6月27日 星期一
2011年6月22日 星期三
Lejeuneaceae of Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, I-Lan County 宜蘭明池森林遊樂區細鱗蘚科植物
Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d.
Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) S. Hatt. 瓦葉唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327p.
Cheilolejeunea obtusilobula (S. Hatt.) S. Hatt. 鈍片唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327q.
Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c.
Cololejeunea goebolii (Gotts. ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 哥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327r.
Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f.
Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e.
Colura inuii Horik. 印氏管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327o.
Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. 細角管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327n.
Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees) Schiffn. 粗齒角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327m.
Drepanolejeunea erecta (Steph.) Mizut. 展葉角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327l.
Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b.
Lejeunea discreta Lindenb. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327i.
Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees 黃色細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327h.
Lejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Gott. et al. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327j.
Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g.
Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a.
2011年6月21日 星期二
Bryophyta Taiwanica Exsiccata 臺灣苔蘚標本集
9. Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) T. J. Kop. 側枝走燈苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on on mesic humus in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4330, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
10. Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. 鈴木頂苞苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on moist cliff in filtered to open place, K.-Y. Yao 4335, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
11. Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. 大羽苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic soil in open place, K.-Y. Yao 4343, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
12. Campylopus umbellatus (Arn.) Paris 傘形曲柄苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rocky soil in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4345, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
13. Gollania philippinensis (Broth.) Nog. 菲律賓粗枝苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rock in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4346, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
14. Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
15. Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
16. Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
17. Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
18. Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
Ser. 2 第二集
6. Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
7. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
明池森林遊樂區測得的GPS為24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E
2011年6月20日 星期一
原本上周預計想帶著整理、清洗、扣除(扣除老師已發表的那些種)後的標本 到東海去看看顯微鏡,也請老師幫忙!
結果 ,在我們家小寶貝感冒 發燒後, 也就一切作罷了~~~~~~~
禮拜三要畢業典禮了,畢業典禮忙完後,不知道星期四 下午 有沒有機會可以帶著可愛的苔蘚們 上東海去……
2011年6月11日 星期六
2011年6月4日 星期六
Tongsing Rd., Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County 906, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Shan-Hsiung Lin
2011年6月3日 星期五
6.Conocephalum conicum(L.) Dum蛇蘚I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C.ZHONG 7, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
7.Atrichum crispulum Schimp. ex Besch皺葉仙鶴苔I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on the trail near by 明池苗圃, Y.-C. ZHONG 10, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
8. Pogonatum cirratum (Sw.) Brid subsp. cirratum. 刺邊小金髮苔I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 5, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG