

2011年5月29日 星期日

明池森林遊樂區May 21, 2011
Bryophyta Taiwanica  Exsiccata 臺灣苔蘚標本集

Ser. 1 第1集
1. Garovaglia elegans (Dozy et Molk.) Hampe ex Bosch et Lac.美蕨繩苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on branch of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest, S.-H. Lin 14, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
2. Calyptothecium hookeri (Mitt.) Broth.急尖耳平苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on branch of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 8; on trunk of small tree in the preserved area of primary forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 22, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
3. Floribundaria sparsa (Mitt.) Broth.散生絲帶苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 16, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
4. Plagiomnium succulentum (Mitt.) Kop.大葉走燈苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 2, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
5. Syrrhopodon japonicus (Besch.) Broth.日本網苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on trunk of Crypotmeria japonicus under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 11, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin

Ser. 2 第2集
1. Bazzania tridens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trev.三裂鞭蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on trunk of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 12, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
2. Barbella flagellifera (Card.) Nog.鞭枝懸苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, luxuriantly hanging on bush of Rhododendron sp. along the cement trail between the preserved area of primary forest and the pool, S.-H. Lin 24, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
3. Cirriphyllum piliferum (Hedw.) Grout長尾毛尖苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 20, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
4. Makinoa crispata (Steph.) Miyake牧野蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 4, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
5. Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth.亞蔓苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on upper surface of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 17, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin

Ser. 3 第3集
1. Bazzania praerupta (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trev.東亞鞭蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on trunk of Crypotmeria japonicus under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 9, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
2. Haplomitrium mnioides (Lindb.) Schust.燭苔蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, associated with Taxiphyllum taxirameum and Plagiomnium succulentum, S,-H. Lin 1, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
3. Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt.剌葉焰苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, associated with Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa and Cololejeunea sp., S.-H. Lin 7, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
4. Racopilum cuspidegerum (Schwägr.) Ångstr. var. cuspidigerum 薄璧捲柏苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 19, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
5. Dumortiella hirsuta (Sw.) Nees 毛地錢, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on soil along the trail beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 6, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
Ser. 4 第4集
1.  Leucobryum scabrum Lac.,  I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on trunk of   Cryptomeria japonica under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S.-H. Lin   15May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin
2.  Plagiochila pulcherrima Horik., I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on tree trunk in the preserved area of primary forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 23, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan- Hsiung Lin
3. Homaliodendron flabellatum (Sm.) Fleisch., I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, on trunk of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 13, May 21, 2011. Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin

Bryophytes of Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, I-Lan County
I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, May 21, 2011, Det. Shan-Hsiung Lin. All specimens are deposited in TUNG.
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth., pendent on trunk of tree in the preserved area of primary forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 21.
Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik., associated with Cololejeunea sp. and epiphyllous on leaves of Pyrrhobrum spiniforme, under Cryptomeria plantation forest, S-H. Lin 7a.
Barbella flagellifera (Card.) Nog., luxuriantly hanging on bush of Rhododendron sp. along the cement trail between the preserved area of primary forest and the pool, S.-H. Lin 24.
Bazzania praerupta (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trev., on trunk of Crypotmeria japonicus under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 9.
Bazzania tridens (Reinw., Blume et Nees) Trev., on trunk of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 12.
Calyptothecium hookeri (Mitt.) Broth., on branch of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest, near by pool, S.-H. Lin 8; on trunk of small tree in the preserved area of primary forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 22.
Cirriphyllum piliferum (Hedw.) Grout, S.-H. Lin 2;on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 20.
Cololejeunea sp., associated with Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa, and epiphyllous on leaves of Pyrrhobrum spiniforme, under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S-H. Lin 7b.
Drepanolejeunea datylophora (Gott., Lindenb. et Nees) Schiffn., on leaves of Garovaglia elegans, under Cryptomeria plantation forest, S.-H. Lin 14a.
Dumortiella hirsuta (Sw.) Nees, along the trail beside the pool, on soil wall, S.-H. Lin 3; on soil, S.-H. Lin 6.
Floribundaria sparsa (Mitt.) Broth., on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 16.
Garovaglia elegans (Dozy et Molk.) Hampe ex Bosch et Lac., on branch of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest, S.-H. Lin 14.
Haplomitrium mnioides (Lindb.) Schust., on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, associated with Taxiphyllum taxirameum and Plagiomnium succulentum, S,-H. Lin 1.
Homaliodendron flabellatum (Sm.) Fleisch., on trunk of small tree under Cryptomeria plantation forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 13.
Leucobryum scabrum Lac., on trunk of Cryptomeria japonica under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 15.
Makinoa crispata (Steph.) Miyake, on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 4.
Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth., on upper surface of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 17.
Plagiochila pulcherrima Horik., on tee trunk in the preserved area of primary forest near by pool, S.-H. Lin 23.
Plagiomnium succulentum (Mitt.) Kop., on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, associated with Haplomitrium mnioides and Taxiphyllum taxirameum, S.-H. Lin 1b; on soil along the trail beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 2.
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt., associated with Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa and Cololejeunea sp., on trunk of Crypotmeria japonicus   under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 7.
Racopilum cuspidegerum (Schwägr.) Ångstr. var. cuspidigerum, on lateral side of masonry block in front of lavatory near by pool, open ground, S.-H. Lin 19.
Syrrhopodon japonicus (Besch.) Broth., on trunk of Crypotmeria japonicus under Cryptomeria plantation forest beside the pool, S.-H. Lin 11.
Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) Fleisch., on soil wall along the trail beside the pool, associated with Haplomitrium mnioides and Plagiomnium succulentum, S.-H. Lin 1a.

2011年5月26日 星期四

Shan-Hsiung Lin: Bryophytes of Chungliao County, Nantou Hsien

A total of ten species of bryopytes from Chungliao County, Nantou Hsien are reported here. The specimens were collected and determined by S.-H. Lin, they were deposited in TUNG. 

濕地苔 Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. On kitchen roof with soil in Wuhsin meditation hall (無心山禪寺或圓覺禪堂), alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin -γ1. , Oct. 26, 2004.  
翹葉耳葉蘚 Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont.(Fig. 1) On limestone rock above the firefly stream, S.-H. Lin-γ2a; on barks of mango trees near by the kitchen room S.-H. Lin-γ2b; in Wuhsin medetation hall, alt. 600 m, Oct. 26, 2004. This species is the thourth locality of Taiwan (Yamada et al., 1981, Chitou; Lin et Chen,1997, Hsini County and Chungpu County). Widely distributed.in the temperate and tropical areas of the world. 
纖枝短月苔 Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Lac.On soil in front of the uppermost of Wushin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ3, 26, 2004. 
錦苔 Sematophyllum demissum (Wils.) Mitt. On limestone rock above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ4, Oct. 26, 2004.  
柔纖明月苔 Vesicularia flaccida (Sull. et Lesq.) Iwats. On inclined tree trunk above... the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ5, Oct... 26, 2004. 
黃葉鳳尾苔 Fissidens zippelianus Dozy et Molk. in Zoll. On inclined tree trunk above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ6, Oct. 26, 2004. 
細葉小羽苔 Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl. On inclined tree trunk above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ7, Oct. 26, 2004. 
蕊形真苔 Bryum coronatum Schwaegr. On soil beside the lotus pond in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m, S.-H. Lin-γ8, Oct. 26, 2004. 
亮葉石灰苔 Hydrogonium subpellucidum (Mitt.) Hilp. var. hyaloloma Herz. et Nog. On limestone cliff, soaking wet with dripping water, beside and/or under the. Lungfeng Waterfall(龍鳳瀑布), alt. 400 m, S.-H. Lin-γ9, Aug. 14, 2004. The varity is the second reoport in Taiwan, formerly known from Central-western Taiwan (Herzog et Noguchi 1955collector Schwabe, without definite type locality, alt. 800 m, Aug. 1947). However, the typical variety is also known in China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Himalaya and India. Endemic to Taiwan.  
綠葉光蘚Cyathodium smaragdinum Schiffn. ex Keissler. On shaded soil wall near by trail or ditch close to the Lungfeng Waterfall, alt. 400 m, S.-H. Lin-γ10, Aug. 14, 2004.

Literature cited:
Herzog, T & A. Noguchi. 1955. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bryophytenflora von Formosa und den benachbarten Inseln Botel Tobago und Kwashyoto. J.Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 29-70.
Lin, S.-H & Y.-Y. Chen. 1997. A taxonomic study of Frullaniaceae from TaiwanTunghai Journal 38: 79-125. (In Chinese)
Yamada, K., Yuzawa, Y., Ogasawara, S. & M.-J. Lai. 1981. On hepatic collection from Chitou’s Experimental Forest of the National Taiwan University (1). Quart... J. Taiwan Mus. 34(1, 2): 113-115.

Fig. 1. 翹葉耳葉蘚 Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont.

2011年5月23日 星期一


出發前幾天下雨,  回來後這些天 也下雨,
就空出  我們要去的星期六沒下雨!!!!!!!!!!!!
  新竹 桃園下雨,  台北 宜蘭也下雨 ,
  就挪出  我們要去的明池(宜蘭桃園交界)  沒下雨

  所以   這真是個  好預兆!!!!!

0600從東海出發 ,馬不停蹄的趕車下   於上午1040到達北橫明池森林遊樂區!

就小弟走的峰頂步道段(是叫峰頂步道嗎)   有以下幾點發現
1.森林遊樂區周園石地上 (可能是說明圖上寫的苔園附近)  地上多羽苔類, 樹上則有許多鞭蘚  類
5.提燈苔類在步道起點端 算是常見族群
6.樹幹上鞭蘚 和 地萼蘚 蠻多的

其它的 更詳盡  更專業的  要靠老師和阿奎 和彥昌來補充了……

2011年5月20日 星期五



但是 湊啊湊   總算湊足一車   五人成行!

   出發時間:2011.05.21  早上 六點
       0600 "甲車"從東海出發
       0800  台北中研院 下交流道  載楊00
       1100  預計抵達明池森林遊樂區(調查開始)
       1300  調查結束  
       1400  帶著豐碩的成果 (希望是啦) 啟程回家~~~

         歡迎各界  有興趣的人士   駕著乙車,  或丙車 丁車 戊車…
         從台灣各處出發  來跟我們會合~~~
        出來動動身體吧!  各位同好們

                                   小洺   (0922-256017)