Shan-Hsiung Lin: Bryophytes of Chungliao County , Nantou Hsien
A total of ten species of bryopytes from Chungliao County , Nantou Hsien are reported here. The specimens were collected and determined by S.-H. Lin, they were deposited in TUNG.
濕地苔 Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. On kitchen roof with soil in Wuhsin meditation hall (無心山禪寺或圓覺禪堂), alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin -γ1. , Oct. 26, 2004.
翹葉耳葉蘚 Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont.(Fig. 1) On limestone rock above the firefly stream, S.-H. Lin-γ2a ; on barks of mango trees near by the kitchen room S.-H. Lin-γ2b; in Wuhsin medetation hall, alt. 600 m , Oct. 26, 2004. This species is the thourth locality of Taiwan (Yamada et al., 1981, Chitou; Lin et Chen,1997, Hsini County and Chungpu County). Widely distributed.in the temperate and tropical areas of the world.
纖枝短月苔 Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Lac.On soil in front of the uppermost of Wushin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ3, 26, 2004.
錦苔 Sematophyllum demissum (Wils.) Mitt. On limestone rock above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ4, Oct. 26, 2004.
柔纖明月苔 Vesicularia flaccida (Sull. et Lesq.) Iwats. On inclined tree trunk above... the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ5, Oct... 26, 2004.
黃葉鳳尾苔 Fissidens zippelianus Dozy et Molk. in Zoll. On inclined tree trunk above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ6, Oct. 26, 2004.
細葉小羽苔 Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl. On inclined tree trunk above the firefly stream in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ7, Oct. 26, 2004.
蕊形真苔 Bryum coronatum Schwaegr. On soil beside the lotus pond in Wuhsin meditation hall, alt. 600 m , S.-H. Lin-γ8, Oct. 26, 2004.
亮葉石灰苔 Hydrogonium subpellucidum (Mitt.) Hilp. var. hyaloloma Herz. et Nog. On limestone cliff, soaking wet with dripping water, beside and/or under the. Lungfeng Waterfall(龍鳳瀑布), alt. 400 m , S.-H. Lin-γ9, Aug. 14, 2004. The varity is the second reoport in Taiwan, formerly known from Central-western Taiwan (Herzog et Noguchi 1955;collector Schwabe, without definite type locality, alt. 800 m , Aug. 1947). However, the typical variety is also known in China (Sichuan , Yunnan ), Tibet , Himalaya and India . Endemic to Taiwan .
綠葉光蘚Cyathodium smaragdinum Schiffn. ex Keissler. On shaded soil wall near by trail or ditch close to the Lungfeng Waterfall, alt. 400 m , S.-H. Lin-γ10, Aug. 14, 2004.
Literature cited:
Herzog, T & A. Noguchi. 1955. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bryophytenflora von Formosa und den benachbarten Inseln Botel Tobago und Kwashyoto. J.Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 29-70.
Lin, S.-H & Y.-Y. Chen. 1997. A taxonomic study of Frullaniaceae from TaiwanTunghai Journal 38: 79-125. (In Chinese)
Yamada, K., Yuzawa, Y., Ogasawara, S. & M.-J. Lai. 1981. On hepatic collection from Chitou’s Experimental Forest of the National Taiwan University (1). Quart... J. Taiwan Mus. 34(1, 2): 113-115.
Fig. 1. 翹葉耳葉蘚 Frullania ericoides (Nees) Mont.