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2011年7月28日 星期四
2011年7月25日 星期一
學會名稱:臺灣苔蘚學會(The Bryological Society of Taiwan)
學會名稱當然就一目了然,但刊物名稱則大有學問囉~BryoString 是新英文名,Bryo指苔蘚人及植物,String是指苔蘚人觀念及植物演化分類系統雖一起糾結疊加,但科研能互通有無,清楚又明白,一點都沒有障礙或干擾,一起努力朝向地球苔蘚圈(BryoSphere)自然系統真理的大道,此特性一如量子重力學的弦論一樣,此弦具有一即一切,一切即一的智慧或科學覺,從我們苔蘚宇宙系統之至大繁雜到我們思想之細微求真,正如同粗細成片來去自在波動之弦一樣,我們世世代代永遠都在這根弦上探索、微調並感受這當下和諧的振動。啊!夠玄、夠弦、夠炫、夠旋、夠蘚吧!苔蘚人–苔弦人!(以上轉自名稱提供者~林善雄教授的闡釋)。
另外~支持者Jia-Dong Yang認為BryoString還把學會的英名(The Bryological Society of Taiwan)縮寫BST包含在裡面,加上ring再既有環環相扣生生不息的意義,又有團結的意涵。
PS:有獎徵名的獎品,煩請贊助者Jia-Dong Yang頒贈給名稱提供者Dr.Lin囉!
學會名稱:臺灣苔蘚學會(The Bryological Society of Taiwan)
學會名稱當然就一目了然,但刊物名稱則大有學問囉~BryoString 是新英文名,Bryo指苔蘚人及植物,String是指苔蘚人觀念及植物演化分類系統雖一起糾結疊加,但科研能互通有無,清楚又明白,一點都沒有障礙或干擾,一起努力朝向地球苔蘚圈(BryoSphere)自然系統真理的大道,此特性一如量子重力學的弦論一樣,此弦具有一即一切,一切即一的智慧或科學覺,從我們苔蘚宇宙系統之至大繁雜到我們思想之細微求真,正如同粗細成片來去自在波動之弦一樣,我們世世代代永遠都在這根弦上探索、微調並感受這當下和諧的振動。啊!夠玄、夠弦、夠炫、夠旋、夠蘚吧!苔蘚人–苔弦人!(以上轉自名稱提供者~林善雄教授的闡釋)。
另外~支持者Jia-Dong Yang認為BryoString還把學會的英名(The Bryological Society of Taiwan)縮寫BST包含在裡面,加上ring再既有環環相扣生生不息的意義,又有團結的意涵。
PS:有獎徵名的獎品,煩請贊助者Jia-Dong Yang頒贈給名稱提供者Dr.Lin囉!
2011年7月23日 星期六
2011年7月14日 星期四
事 由:因應苔蘚同好擬申請成立學會,故想集思廣益,廣徵芳名。
對 象:不管你是苔蘚愛好者或是路人甲乙丙,都歡迎提供建議。
禮物一份(獎品皆由Jia-Dong Yang大德熱情贊助)。
對 象:不管你是苔蘚愛好者或是路人甲乙丙,都歡迎提供建議。
禮物一份(獎品皆由Jia-Dong Yang大德熱情贊助)。
2011年7月13日 星期三
New locality of Leptophascum leptophyllum (Pottiaceae)
Shan-Hsiung Lin, Kuei-Yu Yao , Chao-Rong Chen and Jia-Dong Yang
Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) J. Guerra & Cano, J. Bryol. 22: 92, 2000.
(地孢苔*) (Figs. 1-2)
Basionym: Phascum leptophyllum Müll Hal., Flora 71: 6, 1888.
Physcomitrium rhizophyllum Sak., Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 469, 1938.
Furnaria rhizophylla (Sak.) Sak., Muscol. Jap., 68, 1954.
Tortula vectensis Warburg et Crundwell, Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 4: 763, 1965.
Tortula rhizophylla (Sak.) Iwatsuki et Saito, Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 59, 1972.
Chenia rhizohylla (Sak.) R. H. Zander, Phytologia 65(6): 425, 1989.
Chenia leptophylla (Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zander, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 258, 1993.
A mundivagat species spreads by human agency through rhizoid-borne brood bodies in the soil diaspore bank; plants cleistocarpous, anacrogynous; lamina cells epapillose; leaf margin plane above, sharply crenulate to irregularly dentate above with sharp mid-marginal wall projections usually ending in a weak simple papila; marginal cells often smaller than medial; thin costa ending before apex; leaf apex with a brown thick-walled apiculus; costal section with epidermal cells and guide cells appearing homogenous, dorsal stereid band hardly differentiated, ventral stereid band absent.
This is the third report of the species Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) J. Guerra & Cano from Taiwan . Prviously discovery of Chenia leptophylla (Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zander ( = L. leptophyllum) inTaiwan was first made by Chiang and Hsu (1997), on the base of Yeliu collection of Dr. Hironori Deguchi who visited Taiwan in Jan. 1989, and later by Chao-Rong Chen (2008) while he studied his Master thesis of “Bryophyte inventory on hiking trails of Mt. Shihman”.
Distribution in Taiwan : Taipei Co., Yeiliu (Deguchi s.n. in HAST); Taoyuan Co., Mt. Shihman (Chao-Rong Chen-67a, 68 in TUNG, NHCUE); Nantou Co. , Tsaotun (Kuei-Yu Yao-4322 in TUNG, TAIE).
Range: Cosmopolitan.
Fig. 1. Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) J. Guerra & Cano. a-c: Leaves. d: Upper leaf marginal cells. e: Leaf apex. f-g: Leaves in cross section, in fig. f including leaf marginal cells and lamina cells. h-i: gemmae borne in leaf axil. j-k: brood bodies borne on the tip of minute rhizoid. l: costal transverse section. Scales: a-c: 0.375μm. d-e, h-l: 37.5μm. f-g: 75μm. All drawn from Kuei-Yu Yao-4322, Tsaotun.
Fig. 2. Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) J. Guerra & Cano. a: Plant with rhizoids borne on stem and its base. b-c: Leaves, in fig. c with rhizoids borne on upper costa of leaf. d: Leaf apex. e: Medial lamina cells. f: Marginal cells of leaf. g: Alar cells of leaf. h: Upper marginal cells of leaf. i: Leaf in cross section. j: Stem in cross section. Scales: a:
Arts, T. and P. Sollman. 1991. Remarks on Phascum leptophyllum C. Müll., an earlier name for Tortula rhizophylla (Sak.) Iwats. & K. Saito. Lindbergia 17: 20-27.
Chen, C.-R. 2008. Bryophyte inventory on hiking trails of Mt. Shihman . Master thesis of Department of Applied Science, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsinchu.
Chiang, T.-Y. and T.-W. Hsu. 1997. Chenia leptophylla (C. Müll.) Zand. (Family Pottiaceae), a generic and species record new to moss flora of Taiwan . Taiwania 42(3): 161-164.
Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll., M. O. Hill and A. J. E. Smith. 1981 [1982]. Mosses of Europe and the Azores ; an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. J. Bryol. 11: 609-689.
Eckel, P. 1986. Didymodon australasiae var. umbrosus new to eastern North America . The Bryologist 89: 70-72.
Guerra, J. and M. J. Cano. 2000. A taxonomic contribution on the European cleistocarpous species of Pottiaceae (Musci). J. Bryol. 22: 91-97.
Hedderson T. A. and R. H. Zander. 2008. Chenia ruigtevleia (Pottiaceae), a new moss species from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The Bryologist 111(3): 496-500.
Reese, W. D. 1967. The discovery of Tortula vectensis in North America . Bryologist 70: 112-114.
Sakurai, K. 1938. Beobachtungen über japanische Moosflora. XVII. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 469. 1938.
Sakurai, K. 1954. Muscologia Japonica. Pp. 247, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo .
Saito, K. 1973. Memoir of the Japanese Pottiaceae (1). Subfamily Pottioideae. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 16: 81-91.
Segarra, J. G. 2001. Nota briològica, Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) Guerra et Cano, novetat per a la flora briològica aragonesa. Orsis 16: 187-188.
Warburg, E. F. and A. C. Crundwell. 1965. Tortula vectensis, a new species from the Isle of the Wight. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 4: 763-766.
Zander, R. H. 1989. Seven new genera in Pottiaceae (Musci) and a lectotype of Syntrichia. Phytologia 65: 432-436.
Zander, R. H. 1993.Genera of the Pottiaceae: mosses of harsh environments. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32:1-378.
*New Mandarin plant name
2011年7月4日 星期一
Taxonomic Synopsis of Aytoniaceae of Taiwan
Shan-Hsiung Lin and Chia-Dong Yang
1Primarily based on papers (Haupt 1942;Horikawa 1934;Howe 1899;Kachroo & Kaul 1971;Katagiri & Deguchi 2011; Mehra & Sokhi 1977) and fig. 1, the Cryptomitrium tenerum and C. subpilosum differ as follows:
branched branched
Ventral tissue 15-20 cells in thickness Ventral tissue 3-4 cells in thickness
Peduncle 15-30 mm long Peduncle 3-6 mm long
Sporogonia 3-7, usually 5 Sporogonia 2-4, usually 3
Shan-Hsiung Lin and Chia-Dong Yang
Taxonomic Synopsis of Aytoniaceae of Taiwan【The following generic order follows the molecular system proposed by Schill, D. B., Long, D. G. & L. L. Forrest ( 2010)】:
Cryptomitrium subpilosum (Horik.) S.-H. Lin, comb. nov.1 擬毛柄薄地錢2 [ Grimaldia subpilosa Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., ser. b, div. 2, 2: 112, 1934. Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik., Hikobia 1: 85, 1951. Type: Formosa , prov. Taichû, Mt. Morrison (Taikwan-Tonbo), Aug. 1932, Y. Horikawa 9251 (Holotype in HIRO). Cryptomitrium tenerum non (Hook.) Austin , in Katagiri et Deguchi, 2011, Tropical Bryology 33: 1-5, 2011.]
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L. ) Raddi石地錢 [misidentfied as Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik. in Wei, H.-C. & C.-L. Wu, J., Chromatog. 555, 302, 1991., in Wu, C.-L., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 39, 655,1992., in Wu, C.-L., J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 39: 655-667, 1992., fide Wei, H.-C., Ma, S.-J. & C.-L. Wu. 1995.]
Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. et Lindenb. (syn. Plagiochasma reboulioides Horik.). 鈍鱗紫背蘚
Plagiochasma cordatum Lehm et Lindenb. 心瓣紫背蘚 (Plagiochasma intermedium non Lindenb. et Gott., in Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., ser. B, div. 2, 2: 109, 1934.)
Plagiochasma japonicum (Steph.) Mass. 日本紫背蘚
Plagiochasma pterospermum Mass. 翼邊紫背蘚
Plagiochasma rupestre (Forst.) Steph. 紫背蘚 [syn. Plagiochasma sexsilicephalum Horik., Plagiochasma intermedium Lindenb. et Gott. var. nipponicum (Horik.) Inoue; Plagiochasma intermedium non Lindenb. et Gott., in Hattori, Hepat. Japon. Exsic. ser. 2, 99, 1947.]
Asterella leptophylla (Mont.) Pande et al. ex Grolle 盤傘花萼蘚2 [syn. Fimbriaria yoshinagana Horik., Asterella yoshinagana (Horik.) Horik.]
Asterella wallichiana (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Pande et al. ex Grolle 球傘花萼蘚2 [ syn. Asterella liukiuensis (Horik.) Horik., Asterella monospiris (Horik.) Horik., Fimbriaria monospiris Horik.; Asterella tenella non (L.) Beauv., in Yang et Lee, 1964, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica 5: 181-194.]
Haupt, A. W. 1942. Studies in California Hepaticae. III. Cryptomitrium tenerum. Bot. Gaz. 104: 264-272.
Horikawa, Y. 1934. Monographia hepaticarum australi-japonicarum. Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2 (Botnay) 2: 101-325.
Horikawa, Y. 1951. Symbolae florae bryophytae orientali-asiae et micronesiae XII. Hikobia 1: 78-100.
Howe, M. A. 1899. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotes of California . Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 7: 1-208.
Kachroo, P. and R. Kaul. 1971. Morphology of Rebouliaceae IV. The generic validity of Cryptomitrium Austin. Hikobia 6(1-2): 9-17.
Katagiri,T. and H. Deguchi. 2011. Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik. a new synonym of Crytomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin . Trop. Bryol. 33: 1-5.
Mehra, P. N. and J. Sokhi. 1977. Embryology of Cryptomitrium himalayense Kash. Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 157-190.
Schill, D. B., Long, D. G., and L. L. Forrest. 2010. A molecular phylogenetic study of Mannia (Marchantiophyta, Aytoniaceae) using chloroplast and nuclear markers. The Bryologist 113(1): 164-179.
Wei, H.-C. and C.-L. Wu. 1991. A new macrocyclic bisbibenzyl diether, marchantinquinone, from the liverwort Mannia subpilosa. Journ. Chem. Res. (Synopses) 8: 230-231.
Wei, H.-C., Ma, S.-J., and C.-L. Wu. 1995. Sesquiterpenoids and cyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Reboulia hemisphaerica. Phytochemistry, 39 (1): 91-97.
We give sincerely thanks to Prof. Hironori Deguchi and Dr. Tomio Yamaguchi, Hiroshima University , Mr. James R. Shevock, California Academy of Science, for the loan of the specimens. Our thanks also to Dr. Masanobu Higuchi, National Science Museum in Tsukuba, and Mr. James R. Shevock for their providing literature. Support for this program by Director Hsiao-Yu Tan, the Endemic Species Research Institute, we are gratefully acknowledged.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1Primarily based on papers (Haupt 1942;Horikawa 1934;Howe 1899;Kachroo & Kaul 1971;Katagiri & Deguchi 2011; Mehra & Sokhi 1977) and fig. 1, the Cryptomitrium tenerum and C. subpilosum differ as follows:
C. tenerum C. subpilosum
Thallus 'perrennial', 1-3 dichotomously Thallus 'annual', 1 dichotomously branched branched
Ventral tissue 15-20 cells in thickness Ventral tissue 3-4 cells in thickness
Peduncle 15
Sporogonia 3-7, usually 5 Sporogonia 2-4, usually 3
Operculum with inner cells Operculum with inner cells
larger than outer cells narrower and longer than outer cells
Surface of operculum and capsule wall Surface of operculum and capsule wall
smooth verrucose
Operculum surface with 19-21 cells across Operculum surface with 30-32 cells across
Spores 35-50 μm in diameter Spores 40-60 μm in diameter
Spores in distal face occurring 9 areolae Spores in distal face occurring 18 areolae
2New Mandarin plant name
Fig. 1. Cryptomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin a-b: par-autoicous thallus with androecia borne immediately proximal to the base of the archegoniohore. c: young archegoniophore. d-g: mature carpocephala seen from below showing membranous involucres and ruptured capsules. h: stalk in cross section. i-j: air pores from dorsal epidermis of thallus. k-m, o-s: ventral scales. n: appendage of ventral scale. t, w: spores in proximal face. u-v, x: spores in distal face. y-z: elaters. Scales: a = 3 mm . b-e = 2 mm . f = 1 mm . g, r-s = 0.4 mm . h = 160 μm. i-j, w, y = 40 μm. k = 75 μm. l-o, q, v = 80 μm. p = 38 μm. t, x = 16 μm. z = 20 μm. All drawn from James R. Shevock 24826 , California .
2011年6月28日 星期二
19.Pallavicinia subciliata (Aust.) Steph 纖毛帶葉蘚 I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 6, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
20.Pogonatum proliferum (Griff.) Mitt 獨莖小金髮苔(南亞小金髮苔) I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil along the trail beside the pool Y.-C. ZHONG 1, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
拖了這麼久,最後兩種終於現身了!還是非常感謝林老師的協助!明池的.Pallavicinia subciliata 好像比圖鑑上來的小了許多!害我目視之下以為是叉蘚,一橫切,樣子完全不像哩!對於我這初學者而言,心中果然不能有太多成見,一切在顯微鏡下,眼見為憑。
19.Pallavicinia subciliata (Aust.) Steph 纖毛帶葉蘚 I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil wall along the trail to慈孝亭, Y.-C. ZHONG 6, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
20.Pogonatum proliferum (Griff.) Mitt 獨莖小金髮苔(南亞小金髮苔) I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on soil along the trail beside the pool Y.-C. ZHONG 1, May 21, 2011. Det. YAN-CHANG ZHONG
拖了這麼久,最後兩種終於現身了!還是非常感謝林老師的協助!明池的.Pallavicinia subciliata 好像比圖鑑上來的小了許多!害我目視之下以為是叉蘚,一橫切,樣子完全不像哩!對於我這初學者而言,心中果然不能有太多成見,一切在顯微鏡下,眼見為憑。
2011年6月27日 星期一
纖枝短月苔(真苔科)Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Sande Lac. (Bryaceae)。教室中庭,樹下石上土生,2011年6月27日 。(圖1)
纖葉小羽苔(羽苔科)Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. (Thuidiaceae)。教室中庭,洗手臺排水之水泥溝邊,土生,2011年6月27日 。(圖2)
捲葉濕地苔(叢苔科)Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. (Pottiaceae)。教室中庭,花圃水泥牆與地上交界處,土生,2011年6月27日 。(圖3)
(龍井國小: 台中縣 龍井鄉 龍門路51號。連絡人:陳俊吉老師 04-26397131。*漢名新稱)
1. 植物體直立,矮,約1公分以下,多無分枝。莖表面平滑。葉細胞平滑或腹面有隆
1. 植物體匍匐,長,約3公分左右,密羽狀分枝或不規則分枝。莖及枝表面有許多鱗
2. 植物較高,近1公分長。葉呈45度斜上,等腰三角形,中肋長突出。葉細胞背腹面均
2. 植物較矮,近0.5公分長。葉呈水平開展,長橢圓形-壓舌片形,中肋達尖,葉先端有微突。葉細胞腹面隆起,背面平滑。無性芽多細胞,表面各種突出,基部有絲狀分枝
圖1. 纖枝短月苔Brachymenium exile (Dozy et Molk.) Bosch et Sande Lac. a-b: 植物體。 c: 植物體,未含基部假根。 d-h: 葉。 i: 葉角細胞。 j: 葉中央細胞。比例尺: a-b: 10 mm . c: 0.75 mm . d, h: 0.15 mm . e-g: 0.375 mm . i-j: 75μm. 繪自林玉陽 2-1 (TUNG),龍井國小。
圖2. 纖葉小羽苔*Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. a: 植物體。 b: 枝。 c: 莖葉。 d-h: 枝葉。 i: 鱗毛。 j: 葉邊緣細胞,每一細胞具單疣。 k: 葉中央細胞。 比例尺:a: 10 mm . b: 0.375 mm . c-h: 0.15 mm . i-k: 37.5μm. 繪自陳芝瑩1-1 (TUNG),龍井國小。
2011年6月22日 星期三
Lejeuneaceae of Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, I-Lan County 宜蘭明池森林遊樂區細鱗蘚科植物
I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, 24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E, May 21, 2011, Det. Jai-Dong Yang. All specimens are deposited in TAIE.
Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d.
Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) S. Hatt. 瓦葉唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327p.
Cheilolejeunea obtusilobula (S. Hatt.) S. Hatt. 鈍片唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327q.
Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c.
Cololejeunea goebolii (Gotts. ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 哥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327r.
Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f.
Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e.
Colura inuii Horik. 印氏管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327o.
Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. 細角管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327n.
Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees) Schiffn. 粗齒角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327m.
Drepanolejeunea erecta (Steph.) Mizut. 展葉角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327l.
Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b.
Lejeunea discreta Lindenb. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327i.
Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees 黃色細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327h.
Lejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Gott. et al. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327j.
Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g.
Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a.
Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d.
Cheilolejeunea imbricata (Nees) S. Hatt. 瓦葉唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327p.
Cheilolejeunea obtusilobula (S. Hatt.) S. Hatt. 鈍片唇鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327q.
Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c.
Cololejeunea goebolii (Gotts. ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 哥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327r.
Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f.
Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e.
Colura inuii Horik. 印氏管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327o.
Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. 細角管葉蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327n.
Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees) Schiffn. 粗齒角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327m.
Drepanolejeunea erecta (Steph.) Mizut. 展葉角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327l.
Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b.
Lejeunea discreta Lindenb. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327i.
Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees 黃色細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327h.
Lejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Gott. et al. 疏葉細鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327j.
Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g.
Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a.
2011年6月21日 星期二
Bryophyta Taiwanica Exsiccata 臺灣苔蘚標本集
Ser. 1 第1集
9. Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) T. J. Kop. 側枝走燈苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on on mesic humus in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4330, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
10. Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. 鈴木頂苞苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on moist cliff in filtered to open place, K.-Y. Yao 4335, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
11. Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. 大羽苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic soil in open place, K.-Y. Yao 4343, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
12. Campylopus umbellatus (Arn.) Paris 傘形曲柄苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rocky soil in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4345, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
13. Gollania philippinensis (Broth.) Nog. 菲律賓粗枝苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rock in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4346, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
14. Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
15. Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
16. Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
17. Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
18. Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
Ser. 2 第二集
6. Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
7. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
明池森林遊樂區測得的GPS為24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E
9. Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) T. J. Kop. 側枝走燈苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on on mesic humus in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4330, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
10. Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M. Fleisch. 鈴木頂苞苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on moist cliff in filtered to open place, K.-Y. Yao 4335, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
11. Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. 大羽苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic soil in open place, K.-Y. Yao 4343, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
12. Campylopus umbellatus (Arn.) Paris 傘形曲柄苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rocky soil in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4345, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
13. Gollania philippinensis (Broth.) Nog. 菲律賓粗枝苔, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry rock in sunny place, K.-Y. Yao 4346, May 21, 2011. Det. Kuei-Yu Yao
14. Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. 尖葉薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327a, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
15. Drepanolejeunea foliicola Horik. 葉生角鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327b, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
16. Cololejeunea denticulata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 細齒疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327c, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
17. Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa Horik. 粗疣小鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327d, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
18. Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 至親疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327e, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
Ser. 2 第二集
6. Cololejeunea mackeeana Tixier 麥氏疣鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327f, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
7. Leptolejeunea apiculata (Horik.) S. Hatt. 擬薄鱗蘚, I-Lan County, Mingchih Forestry Recreation Area, alt. 1200 m, on mesic to dry leaf of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in filtered light, K.-Y. Yao 4327g, May 21, 2011. Det. Jia-Dong Yang
明池森林遊樂區測得的GPS為24˚39'01.5" N, 121˚28'24.7" E
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