

2011年7月4日 星期一

Taxonomic Synopsis of Aytoniaceae of Taiwan
Shan-Hsiung Lin and Chia-Dong Yang


Taxonomic Synopsis of Aytoniaceae of TaiwanThe following generic order follows the molecular system proposed by Schill, D. B., Long, D. G. & L. L. Forrest ( 2010):
Cryptomitrium subpilosum (Horik.) S.-H. Lin, comb. nov.1 擬毛柄薄地錢2 [ Grimaldia subpilosa Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., ser. b, div. 2, 2: 112, 1934. Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik., Hikobia 1: 85, 1951. Type: Formosa, prov. Taichû, Mt. Morrison (Taikwan-Tonbo), Aug. 1932, Y. Horikawa 9251 (Holotype in HIRO). Cryptomitrium tenerum non (Hook.) Austin, in Katagiri et Deguchi, 2011, Tropical Bryology 33: 1-5, 2011.]
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L. ) Raddi石地錢 [misidentfied as Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik. in Wei, H.-C. & C.-L. Wu, J., Chromatog. 555, 302, 1991., in Wu, C.-L., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 39, 655,1992., in Wu, C.-L., J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 39: 655-667, 1992., fide Wei, H.-C., Ma, S.-J. & C.-L. Wu. 1995.]
Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. et Lindenb. (syn. Plagiochasma reboulioides Horik.). 鈍鱗紫背蘚
Plagiochasma cordatum Lehm et Lindenb. 心瓣紫背蘚 (Plagiochasma intermedium non Lindenb. et Gott., in Horik., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., ser. B, div. 2, 2: 109, 1934.)
Plagiochasma japonicum (Steph.) Mass. 日本紫背蘚
Plagiochasma pterospermum Mass. 翼邊紫背蘚
Plagiochasma rupestre (Forst.) Steph. 紫背蘚 [syn. Plagiochasma sexsilicephalum Horik., Plagiochasma intermedium Lindenb. et Gott. var. nipponicum (Horik.) Inoue; Plagiochasma intermedium non Lindenb. et Gott., in Hattori, Hepat. Japon. Exsic. ser. 2, 99, 1947.]
Asterella leptophylla (Mont.) Pande et al. ex Grolle 盤傘花萼蘚2 [syn. Fimbriaria yoshinagana Horik., Asterella yoshinagana (Horik.) Horik.]
Asterella wallichiana (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Pande et al. ex Grolle 球傘花萼蘚2 [ syn. Asterella liukiuensis (Horik.) Horik., Asterella monospiris (Horik.) Horik., Fimbriaria monospiris Horik.; Asterella tenella non (L.) Beauv., in Yang et Lee, 1964, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica 5: 181-194.]

Haupt, A. W. 1942. Studies in California Hepaticae. III. Cryptomitrium tenerum. Bot. Gaz. 104: 264-272.
Horikawa, Y. 1934. Monographia hepaticarum australi-japonicarum. Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2 (Botnay) 2: 101-325.
Horikawa, Y. 1951. Symbolae florae bryophytae orientali-asiae et micronesiae XII. Hikobia 1: 78-100.
Howe, M. A. 1899. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotes of California. Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 7: 1-208.
Kachroo, P. and R. Kaul. 1971. Morphology of Rebouliaceae IV. The generic validity of Cryptomitrium Austin. Hikobia 6(1-2): 9-17.
Katagiri,T. and H. Deguchi. 2011. Mannia subpilosa (Horik.) Horik. a new synonym of Crytomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin. Trop. Bryol. 33: 1-5.
Mehra, P. N. and J. Sokhi. 1977. Embryology of Cryptomitrium himalayense Kash. Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 157-190.
Schill, D. B., Long, D. G., and L. L. Forrest. 2010. A molecular phylogenetic study of Mannia (Marchantiophyta, Aytoniaceae) using chloroplast and nuclear markers. The Bryologist 113(1): 164-179.
Wei, H.-C. and C.-L. Wu. 1991. A new macrocyclic bisbibenzyl diether, marchantinquinone, from the liverwort Mannia subpilosa. Journ. Chem. Res. (Synopses) 8: 230-231.
Wei, H.-C., Ma, S.-J., and C.-L. Wu. 1995. Sesquiterpenoids and cyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Reboulia hemisphaerica. Phytochemistry, 39 (1): 91-97.

We give sincerely thanks to Prof. Hironori Deguchi and Dr. Tomio Yamaguchi, Hiroshima University, Mr. James R. Shevock, California Academy of Science, for the loan of the specimens. Our thanks also to Dr. Masanobu Higuchi, National Science Museum in Tsukuba, and Mr. James R. Shevock for their providing literature. Support for this program by Director Hsiao-Yu Tan, the Endemic Species Research Institute,  we are gratefully acknowledged.
1Primarily based on papers (Haupt 1942Horikawa 1934Howe 1899Kachroo & Kaul 1971Katagiri & Deguchi 2011 Mehra & Sokhi 1977) and fig. 1, the Cryptomitrium tenerum and C. subpilosum differ as follows:

C. tenerum                                                   C. subpilosum
Thallus 'perrennial', 1-3 dichotomously             Thallus 'annual', 1 dichotomously
         branched                                                      branched                          
Ventral tissue 15-20 cells in thickness               Ventral tissue 3-4 cells in thickness
Peduncle 15-30 mm long                                 Peduncle 3-6 mm long
Sporogonia 3-7, usually 5                                Sporogonia 2-4, usually 3
Operculum with inner cells                              Operculum with inner cells                           
         larger than outer cells                                    narrower and longer than outer cells
Surface of operculum and capsule wall              Surface of operculum and capsule wall
         smooth                                                        verrucose
Operculum surface with 19-21 cells across         Operculum surface with 30-32 cells across
Spores 35-50 μm in diameter                           Spores 40-60 μm in diameter
Spores in distal face occurring 9 areolae            Spores in distal face occurring 18 areolae

2New Mandarin plant name

Fig. 1.  Cryptomitrium tenerum (Hook.) Austin   a-b: par-autoicous thallus with androecia borne immediately proximal to the base of the archegoniohore. c: young archegoniophore. d-g: mature carpocephala seen from below showing membranous involucres and ruptured capsules. h: stalk in cross section. i-j: air pores from dorsal epidermis of thallus. k-m, o-s: ventral scales. n: appendage of ventral scale. t, w: spores in proximal face. u-v, x: spores in distal face. y-z: elaters. Scales: a = 3 mm. b-e = 2 mm. f = 1 mm. g, r-s = 0.4 mm. h = 160 μm. i-j, w, y = 40 μm. k = 75 μm. l-o, q, v = 80 μm. p = 38 μm. t, x = 16 μm. z = 20 μm. All drawn from James R. Shevock 24826, California.

1 則留言:

  1. Dear Lin
    Is this report published yet? Do you have a pdf file that I can borrow?
    Thank you
